Anglo Caregivers provide you with Experienced Caregivers and Trained Maids for elderly


Feel assured with caregivers with 2 or more years of experience. They have cared for the elderly and care recipients with various conditions including: 

stroke care experience


fall and fracture care experience

Fractures & Falls

dementia care experience


cancer care experience


parkinson's care experience

Parkinson's Disease

renal failure care experience

Renal Failure

diabetes care experience


heart problems care experience

Heart Problems

Nursing Skills

Some of them may be equipped with nursing skills from their caregiving experience including:

nasogastric tube feeding skills

NG Tube Feeding

oral suctioning skills

Oral Suctioning

tracheostomy care and suctioning skills

Tracheostomy Care & Suctioning

urinary catheter care skills

Urinary Catheter Care

giving injections skills

Giving Injections

oxygen therapy skills

Oxygen Therapy

blood glucose monitoring skills

Blood Glucose Monitoring

basic wound care skills

Basic Wound Care


in English or Mandarin

Hire a caregiver who can communicate in English or Mandarin with your elderly parent  and understand him or her.

4 Packages

Choose from our 4 packages to find your right match.

Anglo provides Experienced Caregivers who can communicate in English.

1. Experienced Caregivers from Indonesia

  • Experienced as a caregiver in Singapore or other countries.
  • Fast, join you in 2 weeks.
  • Speak English or Malay.
  • Affordable basic salary from $650 to $800.
  • May have cared for patients with stroke, fractures & falls, dementia, cancer, NG Tube feeding, suctioning etc.
Anglo provides Experienced Caregivers who can communicate in English.

3. Experienced Caregivers from the Philippines

  • Experienced as a caregiver at home or a nursing aide in nursing homes or hospitals.
  • Conversant in English.
  • May have Certificates in Caregiving or Nursing.
  • Detailed Biodata & Background Checks.
  • Affordable basic salary from $650 to $800.
  • May have cared for patients with stroke, fractures & falls, dementia, cancer, NG Tube feeding, suctioning etc.
Anglo Caregivers-Why having caregiving experience matters?

Anglo Screening Process

Whether it is waking multiple times at night to assist in toileting or changing diapers, transferring back and forth between bed and wheelchair several times a day or calming an elderly down from his frequent mood swings, an experienced caregiver knows what it is like and what is required of her.

Search Caregivers

Search through our list of skilled, experienced caregivers to find a suitable match for your elderly parents.

More Available Caregivers

Search through our list of caregivers to find the right match!

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What Clients Say About Us

Ranked Top On

Anglo Caregivers is rated 4.7 on Google.
Anglo Caregivers is a SME 500 Singapore Award Winner in 2023.
Anglo Caregivers is reviewed to be a Top in Singapore for Elderly Care Provider by Media One
Anglo Caregivers is reviewed to be one of the best in Singapore for elderly care.

Training & Support by Registered Nurses

Accredited for the Caregivers Training Grant, our Singapore Registered Nurses can provide home-based support and training as needed.

Anglo Caregivers-Dementia Care at Home Training

Dementia Care

Elderly with dementia exhibit different symptoms and behaviour. Learn how to cope with and manage dementia care.

Anglo Caregivers-Training in day to day care

Day to Day Care

Assistance in showering, toileting, transferring, turning and positioning, changing diapers etc.

Anglo Caregivers-Training for advanced care such as suctioning or tube feeding

Advanced Care

NG Tube feeding, PEG Tube feeding, Suctioning (Oral & Tracheal), Injections, Basic Wound Care etc.

We carefully select for caregivers so they may provide your elderly parent with the quality home care they deserve.

Anglo Caregivers-String screening process of our caregivers

Anglo Screening Process

Caregivers need to pass through different levels of evaluations and 1-to-1 interviews. They need to demonstrate knowledge and skills in areas such as transferring and changing diapers, spoken language abilities.

Multiple sources for verification where possible including their employment records in Singapore from MOM portal, arrival and departure stamps, employment certificates or employer feedback.

Anglo Caregivers-Look out for positive attitude towards caregiving in our caregivers

Positive Attitude for Caregiving

We select for caregivers who have completed 1 or multiple contracts in nursing homes or in the elderly's home.

Throughout the application and interview process, we continuously evaluate caregivers for patience and positive attitude towards caring for the elderly.

Anglo Caregivers-Caregivers must pass a pre-employment medical examination to be fit for work before departure to Singapore

Medically fit

Caregivers undergo a pre-employment medical examination in their home countries and are passed as fit for work.

3 Steps to Your Live-in Care

Anglo Caregivers-Step 1 to Hiring-Contact Us

1. Contact Us

Call us or fill out the contact form below. We will speak to you to find out on your needs and identify suitable caregivers.

Anglo Caregivers-Step 2 to Hiring-Interview and Select Your Caregiver


Interview, select and make payment to confirm your preferred caregiver. We will take over the paperwork and processing.

Anglo Caregivers-Step 3 to Hiring-Caregiver Starts Work with You

3. Caregiver starts work!

Caregiver completes processing in Singapore and starts work with you. We provide training, counselling as needed.

Find Your Ideal Caregiver today!

Call us at 6646 0000 or submit this form so our Care Specialists may assist you.

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